Who Goes To A Chiropractor?
- Some have acute pain
- Some are having a health crisis
- Some have chronic health issues (e.g. Migraines headaches, asthma, babies with colic, and people suffering from debilitating low back pain and sciatica to name but a very few)
- Some want to perform at a better level
- Many of our patients want to see us is because they want to prevent any future problems, reach optimal health, and enjoy a better quality of life.
Whatever the reason that people come to Chiropractic House, they all want the same thing. They all want to be healthy. They all want more energy for life, and by checking for subluxations and removing them we help them get it.
Please click on the interactive spine on our home page and find some of the many reasons you could benefit from Chiropractic care.
What Is A Subluxation?
It is when a vertebrae in the spine moves out of position with the vertebrae above or below, causing the spaces between the spinal bones to be narrowed. These spaces are where your delicate spinal nerves travel out from your spinal cord to the rest of your body, relaying the vital information from your brain to every cell, tissue, organ, muscle, and gland of your body to coordinate your health.
Your body has 200,000 nerve impulses travelling through your nerve system every second. For optimum health and wellbeing these messages must get through without being altered or interrupted.
Subluxations cause spinal nerve irritation, interference and/or nerve damage. They alter the pure messages from the brain to the target cell, tissue, organ, muscle, and gland and can seriously compromise your health.
The animated spine on our home page shows a few of the associated symptoms and conditions related to subluxations at each different level of your spine.
What makes us chiropractors different from other healthcare professionals is that we are the only doctors in the world trained to locate, analyse and remove subluxations. Only a chiropractic examination will detect if you have them.
What Causes Subluxations?
Physical Stressors could be when you lift heavy things, or if you’re are involved in a motor vehicle accident, you might step off a curb the wrong way, sit at your computer for too long, or hold poor posture. You might not get enough exercise, or be involved in injuries or accidents during sporting activities.
Chemical Stress comes from the foods you eat, the water you drink and the air you breathe. They’re all full of chemicals, pollutants, toxins, preservatives, sugar, and of course, too much caffeine. Chemical stress also includes the alcohol you drink, the cigarettes you may smoke and any prescription or non-prescription drugs you may take.
To top it all off there’s Mental and Emotional Stress. This includes the gradual build up of pressure and anxiety from childhood, school, work, relationships and realistic and unrealistic deadlines, just to name a few.
Please watch this short video clip to find out more.
Is Chiropractic Safe?
All New Zealand Doctors of Chiropractic have to be board certified to practise in this country. Every chiropractor has completed 5 years of graduate study. They receive over 4500 hours of education in subjects such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, radiology, biochemistry, pediatrics, geriatrics, diagnosis, and a variety of different adjusting techniques that aren’t taught in any other health care field. This training to become a doctor of Chiropractic is followed by many hours of training in an internship programme.
A New Zealand government study, and Commission of Enquiry, found that “chiropractic adjustments are remarkably safe.”
The reason we complete a comprehensive consultation and examination is also to identify the rare person that chiropractic care might be unsuitable for.
You can be assured that your chiropractor is a recognised health care professional, a doctor with a lot of experience and training to keep you safe.
Call us on 07 928 0152 to book your appointment now