
Chiropractic for Babies and Children

We often get told by friends and family that we are so lucky that our kids are so healthy. While we are truly grateful this is the case we do not think that luck or genetics is the only factor. Our very busy and active boys get a lot of movement, eat mostly very well, get good amounts of sleep and both have been getting regular chiropractic care since they were born. They have had their fair share of injuries, stitches and even missing teeth like all active kids but they are rarely unwell. In fact, at nearly 12 and 10 they have only had one lot of antibiotics between them (for a septic knee wound). They just haven’t needed them.

We believe wholeheartedly that their regular chiropractic care has played a huge role in this “luck”, and we want to share this “good fortune” with as many families as possible!

Chiropractic Care for Babies

So, when is the best time for someone to get their spine checked by a chiropractor? The simple answer is…the day you’re born, or more practically, as soon as Mum and Dad are happy to be out and about with bubs.

Why? Well that’s simple, why have your baby potentially start their life with the dimmer switch on?

The forces in mum’s tummy during pregnancy, as well the birth process can place a lot of pressure on a baby’s spine – so in many cases a baby’s first subluxation can actually occur before they are even born or during birth.

The strong compression and then stretching of the baby’s delicate spine during even a ‘normal’ delivery is very stressful on the babies spine. Difficult labours, forceps or vacuum extraction, and caesarean section are even more traumatic on the delicate little spine.

Uncorrected subluxations can result in a large number of common baby issues or symptoms such as colic, difficulty sleeping, reflux, poor latching, excessive crying and constipation to name just a few.

Chiropractic care for Toddlers and Children

As our babies grow into toddlers and children, adolescents and young adults, there are many more environmental and internal stresses and traumas that can cause subluxations and block the communication pathways within their central nervous systems – blocking the body’s ability to function at its best.

This is a very physical time. Those first hesitant steps soon evolve into jumping and running with falls and accidents accompanying each new skill. Even a small fall can cause damage with potential long term consequences.

Lots of parents ask, “Why should a child need chiropractic care?”  We just ask them, “How many times did your child fall today, just learning how to walk?”  How many times in a week, in a month, in a year?

Our children’s bodies take a beating at this age. Let’s correct the problem before it becomes a health problem!

It is not unusual to hear a parent state that since starting Chiropractic care their children get sick less frequently and less severely, have less (or no) ear infections and take less (or no) antibiotics and other drugs. Many conditions such as asthma and allergies have responded well to Chiropractic care.

A healthy communication flow between your brain and your body is always a good thing, regardless of your age. We all want our children to have the best:

  • Physical development
  • Mental development
  • Academic development
  • Social development
Research has shown that chiropractic care in infancy and childhood can have a number of benefits, including:

  • Reducing periods of crying in colicky infants
  • Helping with bedwetting
  • Increased immune and body function
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved learning ability
  • Reduced incidence of ear infections

To name a few.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Babies and Children?

It’s a question that we’re often asked and the simple answer is a resounding YES it’s very Safe. Studies overwhelmingly state that chiropractic care can be perfectly safe for even the youngest of babies and toddlers. A New Zealand government study, and Commission of Enquiry, found that “chiropractic adjustments are remarkably safe.”

There is nothing more important to us than your child’s health and wellbeing. If we think there is any reason we should not check or adjust your child’s spine we will be the first to tell you.

If you’re interested in learning more about how subluxations in the different vertebrae affect different organs, functions and parts of the body, then click or tap over the spine in the interactive image below. 
  • C1


    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Head, brain, pituitary gland, scalp, inner and middle ear, sympathetic nervous system

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Headaches, Migraines, Spacey, Dizzy, memory trouble, brain fog, low concentration, low energy, ear aches/infections, colds/flu hormonal problems, nervousness, insomnia, low IQ, nervous breakdowns, epilepsy

  • C2

    Headache & Neck Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Sinuses, eyes, tongue, forehead, auditory nerve

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Sinus problems, snoring, allergies, eye troubles, earache, fainting, deafness

  • C3

    Neck Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Face, cheeks, outer ear, trifacial nerve, Diaphragm

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Neuralgia, neuritis, acne, eczema, chronic fatigue, anxiety, shortness of breath, vertigo

  • C4

    Neck, Shoulder, & Arm Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Nose, lips mouth, eustachian tube, mucous membranes, Thyroid

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Hay fever, tonsillitis, hearing problems, postnasal drip, weight gain, insomnia, nervous, thyroid conditions

  • C5

    Neck, Shoulder, Arm, & Hand Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Vocal cords, neck glands, pharynx

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Laryngitis, hoarseness, throat conditions, craving sweets, tired after eating, headaches if to long between meals, emotional instability, heart palpitations

  • C6

    Neck, Shoulder, Arm, & Hand Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Tonsils, Neck Muscles, Shoulders, Stomach

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Tonsillitis, whooping cough, croup, stomach pain after eating, upper arm pain, arm weakness, loss of grip strength

  • C7

    Neck, Shoulder, Arm, & Hand Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Bursa in shoulders, elbows, liver

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Bursitis, tennis elbow, tendonitis, sluggishness, nightmares

  • T1

    Neck, Shoulder, Arm, Hand, Finger, & Upper Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Arms from the elbows down including the hands, arms, wrists, and fingers, esophagus and trachea

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Asthma, cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath

  • T2

    Upper Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Heart, including its valves and covering arteries, lungs

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Coronary heart disease, high or low blood pressure, functional heart conditions, certain chest pains, breathing problems

  • T3

    Upper Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Lungs, bronchi, chest, heart and breast

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, shortness of breath, chronic cough, pneumonia, congestion

  • T4

    Upper Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Gall Bladder, heart and lungs

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Gall bladder conditions, jaundice, heartburn, bloating after meals, gassy, burping, trouble with fatty foods

  • T5

    Upper Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Stomach, solar plexus, blood and circulation

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Stomach troubles, indigestion, digestive disorders heartburn, ulcers, circulation problems

  • T6

    Upper Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Pancreas, esophagus, duodenum

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Diabetes, pancreatitis, craving sweets, hyperglycemia, indigestion, tired after eating, gastritis, headaches if to long between meals, ulcers

  • T7

    Mid Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Spleen, gall bladder, pancreas, liver, diaphragm, immune function

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Immune deficiencies, Lowered resistance, frequent colds/flu, infections, hiccoughs, blood disorders

  • T8

    Mid Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, adrenal cortex

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Liver conditions, fevers, low blood pressure, anemia, blood disorders, fatigue, headaches, low energy

  • T9

    Mid Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Adrenal Glands, liver, pancreas, spleen, small intestine

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Overwhelmed by stress, allergies, hives, obesity

  • T10

    Mid Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Small Intestine, appendix, adrenal cortex, kidneys

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Digestive complaints 1-2 hours after eating, gas pains

  • T11

    Mid & Lower Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Kidneys, ureters, small and large intestine, bladder, adrenal medulla, ileocecal valve

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Kidney troubles, decreases urine output, swollen ankles, kidney or bladder infections, chronic tiredness, circulation problems

  • T12

    Mid & Lower Back Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Kidneys, small and large intestine, ureters, bladder, ileocecal valve, Lymph circulation

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Kidney problems, rheumatism, gas pains, lymph circulation problems, swelling, digestive disorders

  • L1

    Low Back, Hip, & Upper Leg Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Large intestine or Colon

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Constipation, colitis, dysentery, diarrhoea, bad breath, flatulence

  • L2

    Low Back, Hip, & Upper Leg Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Appendix, abdomen, cecum, bladder

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Appendicitis, abdominal cramps, digestive complaints, acidosis, varicose veins

  • L3

    Low Back, Hip, Leg, & Knee Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Sex organs, ovaries or testis, uterus, bladder

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Bladder troubles, menstrual troubles, miscarriages, bed wetting, impotence, infertility, knee pain

  • L4

    Low Back, Hip, Leg, & Knee Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Prostate, lower digestive tract, muscles of the lower back, Sciatic nerve

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Sciatica, lumbago, bowel problems, difficult painful or frequent urination, low back spasms, leg weakness, backache

  • L5

    Low Back, Hip, Lower Leg, Knee, Ankle, & Foot Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Prostate or uterus, lower legs, ankles, feet

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Prostate problems, irregular periods, PMS, poor circulation in legs, cold feet, leg cramps

  • Sacrum

    Low Back, Hip, Buttock, Leg, Knee, Ankle, & Foot Pain

    Internal Organs supplied by Nerves

    Reproductive organs, buttocks, genitalia, ureter, prostate, rectum, anus,

    Common Symptoms or Conditions

    Reproductive disorders, hemorrhoids, anal itching sacro-iliac conditions, pelvic problems, spinal curvatures, PMS, dysmenorrhea, impotence, infertility, mental symptoms

Move your mouse over a vertebra for more information.

We’d love to be a part of your family’s health journey.
Call us today to book your appointment on
07 928 0152